Cryptotrading is a speculation in cryptocurrencies: buying and selling digital financial instruments for making profits. Due to volatile nature of cryptocurrencies it is possible to make high profits with small capital. However, a cryptotrader should remember that risks are also higher than trading at traditional stock and FX markets.
Nowadays trading and especially cryptotrading is almost impossible without special software for analysis purposes and bots. The specialzed software tools for quick trading and analysis are good reinforcement in combination with the long-term trades and "buy and hold" strategies.
Some of the more commonly used cryptos (for example bitcoin) are presented on a regulated platforms such as CME and CBOE. The rest are traded at major cryptoexchanges such as Binance or Poloniex. Cryptotrading platforms have lower comissions and available 24/7 comparing to traditional markets.
Our company offers solutions for cryptotraders and and cryptoanalytics. A trader can focus on his main business and give all of the routine to automated tools. We can offer you ready made solutions for high and medium frequency trading or design a bot which is working based on your own strategy. Our team may also backtest your strategy and assess its profitability based on mathematical calculations and possible underlying risks.